5 Powerful Google Ads Hacks

5 Powerful Google Ads Hacks

With Facebook facing a major backlash from advertisers in recent weeks, Google Ads has never been in a stronger position as the market leader for PPC advertising. But is everyone using the platform really making the most of it?

What your web host says about you

What your web host says about you

Choosing a web host is an important decision, since not all web hosts are created equal. There are a variety to choose from, and each is known for handling a different type of user. Your web hosting services requirements will have a significant impact on the choice you make.


How to best utilise your site to promote your business

How to best utilise your site to promote your business

Even with the ubiquity of social media, you really can’t underestimate the value of a well-designed and properly utilised web site. If you own and manage your own business, chances are you already have a site, but you may have been spending so much time on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook recently that you’ve been neglecting…

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September – SEO and marketing news

September – SEO and marketing news

Global martech spend is estimated at $100bn (£76bn), according to WARC Agency spending on marketing technologies has risen to nearly $100bn ($76bn), according to a new survey by marketing intelligence firm Warc. In the UK and North America, brands have increased their social media and email marketing budgets by 44% over the past year, representing…

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A quick guide to the GDPR

A quick guide to the GDPR

In the highly unlikely event that you hadn’t heard about it already, the GDPR has gone into effect. And if you are one of the many companies that will still have dealings with people of the EU after Brexit takes place, you’re going to have to know how to comply with it.


How to keep your WordPress site secure

How to keep your WordPress site secure

With a variety of useful plugins and an easy to use interface, WordPress is one of the most powerful platforms for setting up and running a business blog. Unfortunately, there have been many stories of WordPress sites being hacked in the past, so it’s essential that you treat security as a serious concern.

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