5 diabolical split testing mistakes

5 diabolical split testing mistakes

Marketing decisions are often based on assumptions, but if you don’t put these assumptions to the test, you’re definitely leaving money on the table. After all, it doesn’t matter what you think will be the best decision – it’s your customers who matter. They’re the ones keeping your business afloat.

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How to provide excellent online customer service

How to provide excellent online customer service

In an era where people are trained to have exceedingly short attention spans, responding to customers rapidly is essential. People don’t want to have to call you on the phone and potentially be put through a voicemail maze, they want to communicate with a real person while they’re on your site.

6 traits of a successful entrepreneur

6 traits of a successful entrepreneur

There is no single blueprint for successful entrepreneurs. People from widely different upbringings, geographical locations and personality types go on to create amazing businesses. However, there are some common traits which most successful entrepreneurs share. If you can learn to integrate these traits into your personality, you will dramatically improve your chances of success in entrepreneurship….

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4 common mistakes made by entrepreneurs

4 common mistakes made by entrepreneurs

Perhaps due to the mass adoption of social media, successful entrepreneurs are now internationally revered. In 2016, the average person can get real insights into the lifestyles of superstar business owners such as Elon Musk and feel that such things may, one day, be attainable for themselves. We live in an age of individualism where…

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