5 reasons to use a chatbot in 2023

5 reasons to use a chatbot in 2023

As technology continues to advance at a lightning pace, businesses are finding new and innovative ways to enhance their customer service options and streamline their operations. One of the latest trends in this regard is the use of chatbots – AI-powered programs that can communicate with users via a messaging app or website chat interface.

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How to find your target audience

How to find your target audience

If you’ve invested a lot of time and money into building a business and a website, you want to make sure you’re attracting and targeting the right audience. But what does that audience look like? Of course, if you’re a cosmetics company your audience will be primarily women and if you’re a craft beer company…


5 ways to check if your Google Analytics is working

5 ways to check if your Google Analytics is working

For most marketers, Google Analytics is the single most valuable software they’ll ever use. Indeed, you would generally struggle to find anyone in the profession that doesn’t use it and with good reason. Given that most SEO work is all about appeasing Google, it makes sense that the brand’s very own analytical software would be…


How to combine the power of SEO and Google Ads (PPC)

How to combine the power of SEO and Google Ads (PPC)

SEO and PPC advertising are both marketing tactics that are used widely by businesses of all shapes and sizes across the globe. But while most marketing strategies focus on investing more into one of the other depending on the audience, sector and price, we’re here to tell you that it doesn’t have to be an…

Is PPC dead? – No and here’s why

Is PPC dead? – No and here’s why

Pay per click advertising was once the darling of the online marketing world. In recent years, however, it’s started to reveal its limitations somewhat. However, if you can overcome those limitations and work within some rather strict parameters, it’s still a marketing solution that can offer a pretty solid ROI.

How to navigate through SEO’s uncomfortable grey areas

How to navigate through SEO’s uncomfortable grey areas

As SEO bastions, it’s our duty to ensure we’re always evolving when it comes to best practices because if we don’t we’re not only likely to end up on the wrong end of a Google algorithm update but we could alienate potential customers and clients too. One area that is rarely discussed when it comes…

Link building myths and misconceptions

Link building myths and misconceptions

Link building remains a cornerstone of digital marketing and that’s not going to change anytime soon. However, as vital as it might be and as many of us assume we know the practice inside and out, there are still many potentially damaging myths that continue to be propagated; myths that could lead businesses into pursuing…

Site speed – How important is it really?

Site speed – How important is it really?

Faster is better. That much is a given, particularly in our increasingly fast-paced, “gimme now or gimme never” society. As technology has improved, people have become less patient and while we once thought nothing of waiting 5 minutes for a dial-up site to load, 5 seconds is now seen as a major inconvenience. So, site…

Adjusting your paid marketing campaigns during a recession

Adjusting your paid marketing campaigns during a recession

However you might view the current state of the coronavirus pandemic, one thing is assured – it has resulted in the first economic recession in 11 years. In times of recession, businesses naturally suffer and one of the main areas in which they choose to cut back is often marketing.