Turning data insights into SEO strategies

Turning data insights into SEO strategies

SEO is all about data and data is the currency of the 21st century. But data alone is worth nothing, it’s all about what you do with it. This is particularly true in marketing, where data can completely transform your SEO strategies. But are you extracting enough value from your data? And what could you…

How to write the perfect title tag

How to write the perfect title tag

Titles are often pretty hard. Ask anyone who’s ever written a novel. When it comes to SEO, however, the ideal title is often going to be the most obvious and straightforward part of the whole page. It is, after all, what people see first and what lets them know exactly what they’re looking at. Why,…

​​How to use SEO to scale up your startup on a budget

​​How to use SEO to scale up your startup on a budget

SEO isn’t just a marketing tactic that established businesses should be using; it’s also an incredibly powerful tool when it comes to scalable growth. It’s an affordable and flexible marketing channel that has the potential to bring in free traffic and even be automated to an extent.

8 great enterprise SEO tips

8 great enterprise SEO tips

Sometimes, you have to get a little more specific with your tactics. When you’re a small or medium-sized business with so much ahead of you, tactics are always going to be more restrained and, well, tactical. But once you’ve scaled up to the extent you can start referring to your business as an “enterprise,” you…

Finding and optimising your most valuable pages (MVPs)

Finding and optimising your most valuable pages (MVPs)

Not all pages are equal. Some are just better than others, at least in terms of what they have to offer your business. Optimising these pages is one of the key tactics that all SEOs should have up their sleeves as, otherwise, you could end up wasting time optimising pages that are not performing for…

What does mobile-first thinking mean for your marketing strategy?

What does mobile-first thinking mean for your marketing strategy?

From the offset, all web development and digital marketing campaigns were focused on targeting stationary desktops because, at first, that was where 100% of users would be viewing the content. Fast-forward twenty or so years, however, and the paradigm has shifted.

What to look for when hiring your next in-house SEO

What to look for when hiring your next in-house SEO

As your business begins to expand and digital marketing becomes an increasingly important concern, you might want to consider hiring an in-house SEO expert to bulk out your team and bring some targeted expertise to the table. But while SEO was once a relatively straightforward task, the last decade or so has seen it evolve…

Top tips for SEO n00bs

Top tips for SEO n00bs

When it comes to SEO, we were all beginners at one time or another so there’s no need to feel even an ounce of shame. The SEO landscape has changed so substantially in the last decade that beginners are barely at a disadvantage anymore. The old days of keyword stuffing and unreliable blogs are long…

Is it finally time to get into video advertising?

Is it finally time to get into video advertising?

While breaking into an entirely new field of advertising can be costly and intimidating, there often comes a jumping-off point where it becomes prohibitively less of a risk and more of a solid investment. Video advertising might just be at that point.

What makes a high-quality link?

What makes a high-quality link?

You can try to complicate all you want but when it comes down to it, SEO always has been and always will be about link building. Yes, content has never been kinglier and there is a greater emphasis now on relevance and/or authority (though which is of greater importance remains up for debate) but backlinks…