Analysing the True Effectiveness of Influencer Marketing

Analysing the True Effectiveness of Influencer Marketing

While it might have begun life as something of a fringe concern in digital marketing, influencers have more power and hold more sway with the public now than ever before. At the end of 2023, the global influencer marketing market value stood at over £20 billion and it’s only going to expand as platforms like…


The Growing Influence of Virtual Reality in Marketing

The Growing Influence of Virtual Reality in Marketing

It might not have taken off in the mainstream in the same way we all envisioned back in the halcyon days of 2019, but virtual reality has certainly found a niche for itself and continues to expand its influence as the technology becomes more powerful and (perhaps more crucially) affordable.

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The Emerging Impact of 5G on the Digital Marketing World

The Emerging Impact of 5G on the Digital Marketing World

In the last few decades, innovation has been at the heart of the revolution in digital marketing. From the first great internet boom of the 90s to the mainstream adoption of mobile devices that headlined the first decade of the 21st century, each technological advancement has reshaped how businesses market their products and services.


Semantic HTML in Digital Marketing: Unlocking its Full Potential

Semantic HTML in Digital Marketing: Unlocking its Full Potential

In today’s fast-paced digital age, where online presence is paramount, understanding the nuances of web design is crucial. One such nuance is Semantic HTML, a cornerstone of web development that holds unique benefits for digital marketing strategies. But what is Semantic HTML, and how can digital marketers harness its power? Let’s dive in. Decoding Semantic…


Why Sustainability Makes Sense for Digital Marketers

Why Sustainability Makes Sense for Digital Marketers

The world is rapidly evolving, with a growing consciousness about the environment, ethical practices, and the societal impacts of business decisions. Sustainability is no longer just another string to your bow; it should be a part of every arrow. Digital marketing, as a driver of business and consumer behaviours, isn’t immune to these shifts. With…


How to combat the dangers of misinformation in digital marketing

How to combat the dangers of misinformation in digital marketing

In today’s increasingly digital and interconnected world, information spreads like wildfire and it can be almost impossible to sort fact from fiction. This problem is particularly rife in digital marketing, where misinformation can have serious consequences for businesses and consumers alike. All somebody has to do is misquote the wrong source or take a piece…
