Tales from the crypt – 5 shocking SEO horror stories

It’s the time of year again where every blogger under the sun attempts to skirt the fringes of legitimacy by breaking out the ‘spooky’ superlatives and trying (and most likely failing) to pin some soft scares on something just not that scary, all in honour of Halloween.


September 2019 – SEO and marketing news

With the Brexit debacle seemingly never-ending and ex-Google employees warning us that killer robots could be a terrifying reality, you could be forgiven for feeling like we’re settling comfortably into the end-times. One sector that hasn’t suffered from quite as much drama over the last month, however, is the dependably calm and steady world of…

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How to keep your WordPress site secure

With a variety of useful plugins and an easy to use interface, WordPress is one of the most powerful platforms for setting up and running a business blog. Unfortunately, there have been many stories of WordPress sites being hacked in the past, so it’s essential that you treat security as a serious concern.

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Top 10 WordPress launch tips for SEO

If you’ve got a WordPress site that you’re about to launch it’s worth going the extra mile to ensure it has the best chance of getting seen. If you’ve already got a WordPress site but you haven’t been actively optimising it, then its worth taking a step back and looking at it from another persons…

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Book Review: Secrets for Blogging Your Way to a Six-Figure Income