6 easy ways to generate more backlinks

Sep 2, 2016 by
6 easy ways to generate more backlinks

Even with the numerous updates to Google’s ranking algorithm in recent years, backlinks are still extremely important in regards to achieving visibility for your site.

While there was once a time when you could use underhanded, blackhat tactics to trick the search engines into thinking that your site is valuable, that kind of stuff will get you penalised today! Fortunately, there are plenty of ways to generate backlinks with integrity, and you don’t need to be a SEO whizzkid to do them.

1 – Publish useful lists

By creating a list of sites or resources that serve a particular purpose, you can generate huge amounts of backlinks. For instance, someone searching for blogs which accept guest posts is likely to come across this excellent curated list by Peter Sandeen (there goes another link for him!) If you can come up with a similar resource list which is relevant to your niche and are able to promote it effectively, you have a good chance of accumulating an abundance of backlinks.

2 – Create case studies

Case studies are excellent for adding social proof to your site, but they’re also incredibly useful for generating backlinks. If you have a good relationship with one of your customers and are able to feature them prominently on your site, this is free promotion for them. If the case study is reflects them in a positive light, they are extremely likely to want to link to it.

3 – Produce infographics

Although infographics don’t have the same power they did several years ago (mainly because of the influx of bad infographics), they can still be extremely useful when done correctly. In other words, if you’re able to spend the time researching a great idea for your infographic and have it professionally written/designed, infographics can still accumulate a huge amount of backlinks. However, badly designed infographics which are created solely for the purpose of generating links never do very well. If you’re feeling especially ambitious, you may even want to attempt a gifographic.

4 – Utilise external links

External links help to improve your reader’s experience as you can link them to articles which expand on the points you’ve raised in your post. The more frequently you utilise external links, the more likely it is that one of the bloggers you’ve linked to will link back to you in return.

5 – Deploy the skyscraper technique

Skyscraper in SeoulBrian Dean, author of Backlinko, explains this cunning strategy via the use of an analogy.

It’s human nature to be attracted to the best. And what you’re doing here is finding the tallest “skyscraper” in your space…and slapping 20 stories to the top of it.

The strategy involves finding high quality content, making something significantly superior (longer/more informative/more up to date) and then reaching out to people who may be interested in linking to it. Targeting people who have already linked to similar topics or who are already involved in the same niche is essential in order for the skyscraper technique to be successful.

6 – Create book reviews

If you’ve read a book which you feel will also be of value to your audience, create a review about it. This will not only create some high quality content for your audience, but it will help you to build a relationship with the author too. More likely than not, if you’ve produced a glowing (but also honest) review, the author will be incentivised to link to it to show their own followers. This is a win-win situation!
