Why the biggest brands often make the worst content

Jun 21, 2024 by
Why the biggest brands often make the worst content

You’d think that the world’s most popular brands, with all the resources at their disposal, would be behind some of the best content out there. However, there is often a tendency for larger entities to coast on their own success and even those that try to keep quality control in check, even the largest brands often fail if they take their eyes off the ball for even a second.

Big brands frequently produce content that is uninspired, irrelevant, or outright counterproductive. Today, we’ll be looking into exactly why this paradox occurs and what can be done to avoid these pitfalls yourself as your brand grows.

Lack of a Clear Strategy

A well-defined content strategy is essential for success, yet many companies skip this step, opting to produce content without a clear plan. Without a strategy, content marketing efforts are bound to fail. Companies that document their content strategy are significantly more successful than those that don’t, highlighting the importance of strategic planning in content creation​.

Overemphasis on Promotional Content

Big brands often fall into the trap of over-promoting themselves. Content that is overly promotional can be a significant turn-off for audiences, as it prioritises the brand’s agenda over the audience’s needs. The 80/20 rule is generally effective and states that 80% of content should focus on informing and entertaining the audience, while only 20% should be promotional​​. This balance helps maintain audience interest and engagement without feeling too “salesy”.

Ignoring Audience Needs

Understanding the target audience is crucial for effective content marketing. Large brands sometimes create content based on assumptions rather than actual audience insights. This misalignment results in content that fails to resonate with the intended audience. Audience research and the creation of buyer personas can help brands tailor their content to meet the specific needs and preferences of their audience​.

Poor Quality and Boring Content

Quality is paramount in content marketing. Large brands often produce content that is either poorly written or lacks creativity, making it unengaging. Boring content does not capture the audience’s interest and is unlikely to be shared or remembered. To combat this, brands need to invest in skilled writers and creative professionals who can produce high-quality, interesting content that stands out in a crowded market​.

Inconsistent Voice and Messaging

A consistent brand voice is critical for building a recognisable and trustworthy brand. However, large brands often struggle with maintaining a consistent tone and message across various content pieces. This inconsistency can confuse the audience and weaken the brand’s identity. Establishing clear guidelines for brand voice and ensuring all content creators adhere to these guidelines can help maintain consistency​.

Unrealistic Expectations

Many large brands have unrealistic expectations regarding the immediate success of their content. The pressure to achieve viral status with every piece of content can lead to disappointment and a misguided approach to content creation. Successful content marketing requires patience and a long-term commitment. Brands should set realistic goals and measure success using a variety of metrics, not just immediate viral hits​.

Inadequate Promotion

Creating great content is only half the battle; promoting it effectively is equally important. Big brands often fail to adequately promote their content, relying solely on their website or a limited number of channels. Effective promotion involves leveraging multiple platforms, including social media, email marketing, and influencer collaborations. A comprehensive promotion strategy ensures that content reaches a wider audience and achieves its intended impact​.

Internal Silos and Lack of Coordination

Large organisations often suffer from internal silos, where different departments do not communicate effectively. This lack of coordination can lead to disjointed content efforts, where marketing, sales, and customer service teams are not aligned. Coordinated efforts across departments can ensure a unified content strategy that supports overall business goals and provides a seamless experience for the audience​.

Resistance to Change

Finally, big brands can be slow to adapt to new trends and technologies in content marketing. This resistance to change can result in outdated content strategies that fail to engage modern audiences. Staying on top of the latest industry trends and being open to experimenting with new formats and platforms is crucial for maintaining relevance. Change is natural and should be embraced, no matter how big you are!
