5 powerful free SEO tools

5 powerful free SEO tools

If you’re embarking on an SEO campaign, it’s useful to have as many tools in your arsenal as humanly possible. While some tools come with a hefty price tag, others can be downloaded or accessed on the internet free of charge.

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Does social media really influence SEO?

Does social media really influence SEO?

Google’s core ranking algorithms are a closely guarded secret, and for good reason – if everyone knew exactly how to propel their sites up the rankings, people would be focusing more on gamesmanship rather than producing high quality content which warrants high visibility and large amounts of traffic.

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Top 10 WordPress launch tips for SEO

Top 10 WordPress launch tips for SEO

If you’ve got a WordPress site that you’re about to launch it’s worth going the extra mile to ensure it has the best chance of getting seen. If you’ve already got a WordPress site but you haven’t been actively optimising it, then its worth taking a step back and looking at it from another persons…

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Google Authorship: Is It Really Dead?

Google Authorship: Is It Really Dead?

During 2012, Google began rolling out a new feature called ‘Google Authorship’, designed to link authors (real people) to the content they published on the web. Google’s primary intentions were to assign a higher rank to sites with quality content and identify the authors of that content as ‘experts in their field’.

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