Untapped Resources: How to Use Wikipedia to Improve Your SEO

Untapped Resources: How to Use Wikipedia to Improve Your SEO

With over 6 million English articles and millions of daily visitors, Wikipedia’s influence on the internet is enormous. Did you also know, however, that it was a wildly underused resource for SEO? Even though Wikipedia links are typically “nofollow,” so you can’t rely on direct link juice, there are many ways to tap into its…

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Will AI Kill or Strengthen SEO in 2025?

Will AI Kill or Strengthen SEO in 2025?

AI represents a leap forward in technology we haven’t experienced since the dawn of the internet. As is often the case with such a fundamental sea change, there are always going to be those wary of the advancements and suspicious of what it will mean for their livelihoods.


Top 5 SEO Trends of 2025

Top 5 SEO Trends of 2025

2025 is here and the world appears on the cusp of some substantial changes. We’re not here to discuss politics though, we’re here to talk SEO and whatever else might happen over the next 12 months, the world of search engine optimisation (SEO) is poised for a transformative leap.

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What Is Parasite SEO and Should You Be Worried About It?

What Is Parasite SEO and Should You Be Worried About It?

In the world of SEO, no tactic stays secret for long. Even less-than-savoury techniques gain notoriety as digital marketers scramble to climb to the top of search results. One such dubious method is parasite SEO, a strategy where a marketer (or, more often, a black-hat SEO practitioner) exploits the authority of an established, reputable domain…


The Importance of Breadcrumbs in SEO

The Importance of Breadcrumbs in SEO

In the complex world of search engine optimisation (SEO), the small details often make a big difference. One such detail, frequently overlooked, is the use of something innately small – breadcrumbs.


How to Identify and Get Rid of Toxic Links

How to Identify and Get Rid of Toxic Links

It should go without saying that you’re better off without anything toxic in your life and the same is true of the links potentially clogging up your website. Bad links will not only frustrate users but can have a major detrimental impact on your SEO, with SERPs typically skipping over any sites with links they…


Why Infinite Scroll is Bad News for SEO

Why Infinite Scroll is Bad News for SEO

We’ve all become accustomed, in the social media age, to the concept of the infinite scroll. It’s why so many of us are addicted to our phones, after all. However, while websites and platforms that allow users to continuously load content (infinitely) is great for the users and helps keep them perpetually engaged, there are…

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