How to create meaningful TikTok marketing content

How to create meaningful TikTok marketing content

Controversy aside, TikTok has become one of the fastest-growing social media platforms in the world, with over 1 billion active users worldwide. This platform allows users to create and share short-form videos with music, filters, and other visual effects.


Why pillar pages should be a key element of your content strategy

Why pillar pages should be a key element of your content strategy

Creating a bold content strategy that elevates your worth and boosts your SEO should be a key concern for any business, regardless of size or stature. In putting together this strategy, however, you need a strong foundation if you’re going to create something truly expansive and scalable. That’s where your pillar pages come in.


Where and how to find the most talented writers

Where and how to find the most talented writers

Content is king. This is a mantra we’ve all heard ad nauseum for years now and it still holds (mostly) true. But while video and audio content are making an undeniable dent in the content creation market, good writers are always going to be needed to add context and clarity. At least until the day…

Is your content newsworthy?

Is your content newsworthy?

Relevance is a double-edged sword when it comes to content, particularly if you’re thinking about SEO. On one hand, content that’s relevant and newsworthy might produce incredible results for a few days but once that relevance has waned the content which was once pure gold can start to feel a little more like coal.

5 quick things you can do today to give Google the best content to EAT

5 quick things you can do today to give Google the best content to EAT

In the world of SEO, the EAT score has become increasingly important in recent years. For anyone who has been living under a digital rock (or is simply new to the game), EAT stands for “expertise, authority and trustworthiness,” which are, in a nutshell, the three things the Google algorithm looks for in every single…

How and why to create high-quality and high-value content in 2019

How and why to create high-quality and high-value content in 2019

Content is a word that many of us use every day in one form or another and yet, in essence, it means very little. The very word conjures up visions of the kind of useless filler copy that makes up the average well-intentioned blog but content doesn’t need to mean “soulless”  and “derivative.” If anything,…

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Is AI killing copywriting?

Is AI killing copywriting?

Whilst the ‘rise of the machines’ heralded by every science fiction film from The Terminator to The Matrix might still be a few years away, many industries are already starting to feel the impact of creative artificial intelligence.

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