Importance of employee training for a corporation

Importance of employee training for a corporation

Investing money and time into employee training isn’t just beneficial for a company, it is equally as beneficial for the individuals involved as they get equipped with cutting edge skills that ultimately help a company to grow. Companies that are successful often send their employees on training courses in order to remain ahead of their…

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Top 10 WordPress launch tips for SEO

Top 10 WordPress launch tips for SEO

If you’ve got a WordPress site that you’re about to launch it’s worth going the extra mile to ensure it has the best chance of getting seen. If you’ve already got a WordPress site but you haven’t been actively optimising it, then its worth taking a step back and looking at it from another persons…

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5 common business tasks which are perfect for outsourcing

5 common business tasks which are perfect for outsourcing

There’s a common misconception that the number one asset you have as a business owner is money. In reality, the most valuable asset most business owners have is time! Particularly for startups where roles are often blurred and people are undertaking tasks which don’t always pertain to their main skills, it can often feel as…

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The 5 golden rules of business networking

The 5 golden rules of business networking

Digital businesses represent nirvana for the introvert entrepreneur. No personal interactions, just high quality work in exchange for payments via Paypal, right!? While this is certainly one way of doing business, limiting human interaction in real life is normally not a wise choice if you wish to grow a brand and increase your profits in…

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5 tools for producing visual content on a shoestring budget

5 tools for producing visual content on a shoestring budget

Research by Kissmetrics indicates that content with relevant images gets 94% more views than content without relevant images. Additionally, 65% of senior marketers state that visual assets are essential to brand storytelling. In the age of mass information and rapidly declining attention spans, visual content is an essential part of any successful content marketing campaign.

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How Snapchat can benefit your business

How Snapchat can benefit your business

Legendary entrepreneur and author, Gary Vaynerchuk, stated early this year: “Snapchat will be huge in 2016”. From May 2015 to January 2016, Snapchat’s daily video views have grown from 2 billion to 7 billion, and this figure continues to rise. With famous brands such as Taco Bell and Acura already rolling out comprehensive Snapchat strategies,…
