How SEO gets easier with greater authority

How SEO gets easier with greater authority

“Authority” is a word that means hundreds of different things to thousands of different people but in the case of SEO, it means one thing – the respect afforded your page, the information on it and ultimately, your brand.

March 2020 – SEO and Marketing News

March 2020 – SEO and Marketing News

With a potential major outbreak on the horizon, mainstream news outlets are heavily focused on the pandemic. So, allow us to offer an island of calm away from the pandemic paranoia and delve into the latest goings-on in the world of SEO and marketing.

COVID-19 Update

COVID-19 Update

We’ll keep this one brief — times are tough for everyone at the moment, but as our team has always worked from home, we’re able to offer an uninterrupted service to all our clients.

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A guide to targeting your competitor’s keywords

A guide to targeting your competitor’s keywords

Targeting the direct competition has always been a popular advertising tactic and today, that tactic has evolved. It’s become common practice for brands to use their competitors as keywords, essentially bringing in potential custom by association.

What are H1 tags and how important are they?

What are H1 tags and how important are they?

SEO is a field that’s always had to adapt to survive but certain trends have stood the test of time. In the good old days of SEO (let’s say 2012) it was very much the fashion to wrap up your page title in H1 tags and leave it at that but as Google further developed…

Chasing SEO Success in 2020

Chasing SEO Success in 2020

The shifting sands of SEO are notorious for a reason – things rarely stay still for very long and marketers are constantly being caught with their metaphorical pants down as a result. The same optimisation techniques that were everyone’s go-to just a few years ago are now completely useless, as Google continues to grow smarter.

February 2020 – SEO and marketing news

February 2020 – SEO and marketing news

Brexit is finally (allegedly) sorted, but the SEO world keeps on spinning regardless. In the same month that Google Maps celebrates its 15th year (has it really been that long?), the search titans declare they are hiring for in-house SEO and make some pretty interesting declarations regarding URL length.

Has SEO become too complicated?

Has SEO become too complicated?

As marketers, we’re constantly being told that “SEO is changing” – but is it really? Yes, Google’s algorithm is always shifting the goalposts and yes, it’s now commonplace for many SEOs to spend as much time running tests and experiments as actual content creating. But are we overcomplicating it?

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How to optimise your mobile SEO

How to optimise your mobile SEO

Mobile isn’t just on the rise, it’s become the new norm. Over half of all web traffic in 2018 was generated through mobile phones and that was two years ago. Just imagine what that figure looks like now. We’re reaching critical mass when it comes to online smartphone usage and marketers who haven’t already acted…
