Diversity and inclusion in SEO

Diversity and inclusion in SEO

If you work in SEO and have ever felt discouraged from applying for a job or sharing your thoughts in the office, it might be a feeling that has some rather deep roots. Many of those roots are buried firmly in a lack of representation, which is why it’s never been more important that we…

November 2020 – SEO and Marketing News

November 2020 – SEO and Marketing News

So we’re back in lockdown. Again. Rather than waste time complaining about it (though it really is rather unfortunate, right?) let’s instead look ahead with relative optimism. After all, Christmas is only a month away now and with the year we’ve had, it just has to be a good one. And at least we’ve (fingers…

Is there a gender gap in SEO?

Is there a gender gap in SEO?

The gender gap is a conversation that has been dominating public discourse for years now and in many industries, there has been a great deal done to reduce or even get rid of it entirely. In SEO it will be fairly obvious to anyone who has worked in the sector that it’s still an incredibly…

Desktop, mobile, or voice search? Why not all 3!

Desktop, mobile, or voice search? Why not all 3!

A few years ago, all we were hearing about was how everything needed to be mobile-first and that makes a lot of sense in hindsight. After all, mobile internet usage has soared in the last 10 years to the extent that more of us now view the internet on our phones than we do our…

Examining the last 20 years of SEO

Examining the last 20 years of SEO

It’s quite astonishing to think how far we’ve come this century. There were periods of human life where we barely made progress for hundreds or even thousands of years; living in the same caves and using the same basic tools without ever even dreaming to reach for the stars. Today, it’s almost as if every…

October 2020 – SEO & Marketing News

October 2020 – SEO & Marketing News

Here we are at the month of Halloween, autumnal colours and, this year at least, renewed lockdown policies. We’re only halfway through October 2020 and it’s already looking like another challenging month for the UK. We are now officially in a recession and things are looking bleaker and bleaker by the day. But the digital…

Site speed – How important is it really?

Site speed – How important is it really?

Faster is better. That much is a given, particularly in our increasingly fast-paced, “gimme now or gimme never” society. As technology has improved, people have become less patient and while we once thought nothing of waiting 5 minutes for a dial-up site to load, 5 seconds is now seen as a major inconvenience. So, site…

Adjusting your paid marketing campaigns during a recession

Adjusting your paid marketing campaigns during a recession

However you might view the current state of the coronavirus pandemic, one thing is assured – it has resulted in the first economic recession in 11 years. In times of recession, businesses naturally suffer and one of the main areas in which they choose to cut back is often marketing.

SEO tips for people that can’t (or won’t) code

SEO tips for people that can’t (or won’t) code

Given the fact that it’s something which, at its heart, involves a lot of code, many people assume that you need to understand coding to get into SEO. That isn’t necessarily the case though. Whilst a decent knowledge of coding (particularly HTML) certainly won’t go amiss, it’s by no means essential and an absence of…

September 2020 – SEO and Marketing News

September 2020 – SEO and Marketing News

The world remains in a perpetual state of barely concealed panic and marketing budgets are being cut left, right and centre to conserve funds for more lucrative short-term gains, as is so often the case in times of recession.