The difference between branded and non-branded traffic

The difference between branded and non-branded traffic

All online marketing campaigns are going to have different goals, even if those goals amount to the same basic result. One constant that you’ll notice, whatever the goal, however, is branded and non-branded keywords. There shall be a few subtle differences in how you approach branded and non-branded traffic and we’ll be going through those…

How SEO and online marketing has changed in 2021

How SEO and online marketing has changed in 2021

2020 was arguably a year that catalysed more change than any other year in recent memory for all the wrong reasons. This year, however, has very much been a year of course correction for many, even in the world of online marketing, which has arguably seen its station rise as a result of COVID.

September 2021 – SEO and Marketing News

September 2021 – SEO and Marketing News

The summer is slowly fading away and the kids are back in school. While things have certainly not got back to normal just yet, there is certainly reason to celebrate, particularly if you’re a UK tennis fan. For online marketers, it’s been business as usual with Google constantly moving the goalposts and everyone else playing…

5 quick things you can do today to give Google the best content to EAT

5 quick things you can do today to give Google the best content to EAT

In the world of SEO, the EAT score has become increasingly important in recent years. For anyone who has been living under a digital rock (or is simply new to the game), EAT stands for “expertise, authority and trustworthiness,” which are, in a nutshell, the three things the Google algorithm looks for in every single…

Understanding and taking advantage of Instagram’s algorithms

Understanding and taking advantage of Instagram’s algorithms

Algorithms are the wizards behind the curtain that control who sees our content and how they see it. They are also something that very few SEO marketers truly understand. Sure, they might grasp the basics of why they work but the “how” is often mired in mystery. In an effort to seemingly show how transparent…

10 of the best WordPress SEO plugins

10 of the best WordPress SEO plugins

WordPress continues to be one of the web’s best and most flexible resources when it comes to content creation. It’s quick, simple and deceptively powerful, so much so that it powers approximately 64 million websites across the world.

Top tips for SEO n00bs

Top tips for SEO n00bs

When it comes to SEO, we were all beginners at one time or another so there’s no need to feel even an ounce of shame. The SEO landscape has changed so substantially in the last decade that beginners are barely at a disadvantage anymore. The old days of keyword stuffing and unreliable blogs are long…

Link building myths and misconceptions

Link building myths and misconceptions

Link building remains a cornerstone of digital marketing and that’s not going to change anytime soon. However, as vital as it might be and as many of us assume we know the practice inside and out, there are still many potentially damaging myths that continue to be propagated; myths that could lead businesses into pursuing…

July 2021 – SEO and Marketing News

July 2021 – SEO and Marketing News

OK, we didn’t win the Euros. But at least the sun is shining and the restrictions that have been plaguing our lives for 18 months now have been largely cast aside. Of course, the constantly evolving world of digital marketing has hardly lain dormant in the wake of the pandemic, but this month it would…