Finding and optimising your most valuable pages (MVPs)

Finding and optimising your most valuable pages (MVPs)

Not all pages are equal. Some are just better than others, at least in terms of what they have to offer your business. Optimising these pages is one of the key tactics that all SEOs should have up their sleeves as, otherwise, you could end up wasting time optimising pages that are not performing for…

Is AI going to steal my SEO job?

Is AI going to steal my SEO job?

We’ve been collectively panicking about robots taking our jobs since the first Terminator movie debuted in the mid-80s. Fast forward 40 years, however, and the horrors of Skynet are not even close to becoming a reality. What is certainly becoming a reality, however, is the importance of artificial intelligence in the modern workforce.

December 2021 – SEO and Marketing News

December 2021 – SEO and Marketing News

Many of us might have assumed that 2021 would be the year where we all bounced back after a pretty bleak 2020. But here we are once again, on the cusp of another COVID pandemic. Thankfully, while the world continues to fall apart around us, Google keeps on being Google.

Smart Content Auditing in 5 Easy Steps

Smart Content Auditing in 5 Easy Steps

Content auditing is not something that most of us enjoy doing. Although it’s common wisdom that it can sometimes be necessary to “kill your darlings” in order to make something worthwhile, the actual act is often painful and a good audit often means getting rid of (or at least drastically updating) a lot of content…

What does mobile-first thinking mean for your marketing strategy?

What does mobile-first thinking mean for your marketing strategy?

From the offset, all web development and digital marketing campaigns were focused on targeting stationary desktops because, at first, that was where 100% of users would be viewing the content. Fast-forward twenty or so years, however, and the paradigm has shifted.

November 2021 –  SEO and Marketing News

November 2021 –  SEO and Marketing News

We’re living through some very interesting times indeed. With the media seeming to have briefly forgotten about COVID thanks to some good old fashioned “Tory sleaze” and Christmas already finding its way into our homes and retail establishments, there’s certainly a lot to keep us entertained at the moment.

Internal linking for mobile-first indexing

Internal linking for mobile-first indexing

Mobile-first indexing might have been only a whisper on the grapevine a few years ago but from this summer onwards, it’s officially the new normal. The fundamental problem with this is that there’s still a major disparity between the desktop and mobile versions of the internet, particularly as far as internal links are concerned.

How to navigate through SEO’s uncomfortable grey areas

How to navigate through SEO’s uncomfortable grey areas

As SEO bastions, it’s our duty to ensure we’re always evolving when it comes to best practices because if we don’t we’re not only likely to end up on the wrong end of a Google algorithm update but we could alienate potential customers and clients too. One area that is rarely discussed when it comes…

What to look for when hiring your next in-house SEO

What to look for when hiring your next in-house SEO

As your business begins to expand and digital marketing becomes an increasingly important concern, you might want to consider hiring an in-house SEO expert to bulk out your team and bring some targeted expertise to the table. But while SEO was once a relatively straightforward task, the last decade or so has seen it evolve…

October 2021 – SEO and Marketing News

October 2021 – SEO and Marketing News

We’re only a week into the “spookiest month” of the year and there’s already lots to speak about. The Pandora Papers have got MPs and billionaires flustered as they scramble to hide their dirty laundry and Facebook and Instagram being down for a quarter of a day apparently sent the world into something of a…