Is your content newsworthy?

Is your content newsworthy?

Relevance is a double-edged sword when it comes to content, particularly if you’re thinking about SEO. On one hand, content that’s relevant and newsworthy might produce incredible results for a few days but once that relevance has waned the content which was once pure gold can start to feel a little more like coal.

8 great enterprise SEO tips

8 great enterprise SEO tips

Sometimes, you have to get a little more specific with your tactics. When you’re a small or medium-sized business with so much ahead of you, tactics are always going to be more restrained and, well, tactical. But once you’ve scaled up to the extent you can start referring to your business as an “enterprise,” you…

5 best ways to use Google Trends in SEO

5 best ways to use Google Trends in SEO

If you’re working in SEO and are not already using Google Trends then either you know something we don’t know or you’re a serious outlier. As the only keyword research tool that officially provides insights based on genuine Google data, it’s a necessity for anyone that wants their pages to rank on the world’s most…

January 2022 – SEO and Marketing News

January 2022 – SEO and Marketing News

Another year has dawned on us and very little seems to have changed. COVID is still rampant, politicians are still lying to us and everyone still hates each other. But at least the world of online marketing remains largely unchanged.

Finding and optimising your most valuable pages (MVPs)

Finding and optimising your most valuable pages (MVPs)

Not all pages are equal. Some are just better than others, at least in terms of what they have to offer your business. Optimising these pages is one of the key tactics that all SEOs should have up their sleeves as, otherwise, you could end up wasting time optimising pages that are not performing for…

Is AI going to steal my SEO job?

Is AI going to steal my SEO job?

We’ve been collectively panicking about robots taking our jobs since the first Terminator movie debuted in the mid-80s. Fast forward 40 years, however, and the horrors of Skynet are not even close to becoming a reality. What is certainly becoming a reality, however, is the importance of artificial intelligence in the modern workforce.

December 2021 – SEO and Marketing News

December 2021 – SEO and Marketing News

Many of us might have assumed that 2021 would be the year where we all bounced back after a pretty bleak 2020. But here we are once again, on the cusp of another COVID pandemic. Thankfully, while the world continues to fall apart around us, Google keeps on being Google.

Smart Content Auditing in 5 Easy Steps

Smart Content Auditing in 5 Easy Steps

Content auditing is not something that most of us enjoy doing. Although it’s common wisdom that it can sometimes be necessary to “kill your darlings” in order to make something worthwhile, the actual act is often painful and a good audit often means getting rid of (or at least drastically updating) a lot of content…

What does mobile-first thinking mean for your marketing strategy?

What does mobile-first thinking mean for your marketing strategy?

From the offset, all web development and digital marketing campaigns were focused on targeting stationary desktops because, at first, that was where 100% of users would be viewing the content. Fast-forward twenty or so years, however, and the paradigm has shifted.

November 2021 –  SEO and Marketing News

November 2021 –  SEO and Marketing News

We’re living through some very interesting times indeed. With the media seeming to have briefly forgotten about COVID thanks to some good old fashioned “Tory sleaze” and Christmas already finding its way into our homes and retail establishments, there’s certainly a lot to keep us entertained at the moment.