How to be a paid search marketer in 2022

How to be a paid search marketer in 2022

Paid search is always evolving and it can be difficult to find your bearings as a result. Simply put, the rules that applied for one year probably won’t apply for the next. It’s also a more competitive environment than ever before, with digital ad use growing by at least 25% every year.

Measuring the impact of content based on intent

Measuring the impact of content based on intent

Intent-based analytics is something of a holy grail for many marketers. Traditionally, marketers have always been focused on bottom-line metrics like sales or conversions but those metrics are limited in one vital way – they don’t take into account the people who might be convinced to buy or convert later but are not quite ready…

Is PPC dead? – No and here’s why

Is PPC dead? – No and here’s why

Pay per click advertising was once the darling of the online marketing world. In recent years, however, it’s started to reveal its limitations somewhat. However, if you can overcome those limitations and work within some rather strict parameters, it’s still a marketing solution that can offer a pretty solid ROI.

March 2022 – SEO and Marketing News

March 2022 – SEO and Marketing News

The times we are currently living through have rarely seemed darker. There’s no way of sugar-coating the atrocities being committed in the name of conquest by Putin’s regime in eastern Europe. 

How to write the perfect title tag

How to write the perfect title tag

Titles are often pretty hard. Ask anyone who’s ever written a novel. When it comes to SEO, however, the ideal title is often going to be the most obvious and straightforward part of the whole page. It is, after all, what people see first and what lets them know exactly what they’re looking at. Why,…

​​How to use SEO to scale up your startup on a budget

​​How to use SEO to scale up your startup on a budget

SEO isn’t just a marketing tactic that established businesses should be using; it’s also an incredibly powerful tool when it comes to scalable growth. It’s an affordable and flexible marketing channel that has the potential to bring in free traffic and even be automated to an extent.

The most effective marketing channels for 2022

The most effective marketing channels for 2022

Deciding where to assign your marketing budget is always going to be one of the big decisions you have to make at the start of every year. There are hundreds of potential strategies and dozens of potential marketing channels to consider and they all have their own strengths and weaknesses. They will all also offer…

February 2022 – SEO and Marketing News

February 2022 – SEO and Marketing News

February is always a month that seems to be over before it really begins. But while it might be the shortest month of the year that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s short on news. Ignoring the numerous global catastrophes, this month we put the spotlight on the full breadth of players as far as online marketing…

WordPress vs Squarespace – The battle of the big site builders

WordPress vs Squarespace – The battle of the big site builders

When it comes to online web building platforms, few are as iconic and as easy-to-use as Wix, Squarespace and WordPress. Indeed, so many of the sites you visit on a daily basis were probably constructed using the simple and effective tools offered by these three popular site builders.