August 2022 – SEO and marketing news

August 2022 – SEO and marketing news

The heatwave appears to have settled in for the long haul and the cost-of-living crisis continues to make its presence felt. But the world of digital marketing continues to tick along steadily behind the scenes. In a month when Google suffered a pretty serious outage caused by a software update and Elon Musk started grovelling…

How to combine the power of SEO and Google Ads (PPC)

How to combine the power of SEO and Google Ads (PPC)

SEO and PPC advertising are both marketing tactics that are used widely by businesses of all shapes and sizes across the globe. But while most marketing strategies focus on investing more into one of the other depending on the audience, sector and price, we’re here to tell you that it doesn’t have to be an…

Where and how to find the most talented writers

Where and how to find the most talented writers

Content is king. This is a mantra we’ve all heard ad nauseum for years now and it still holds (mostly) true. But while video and audio content are making an undeniable dent in the content creation market, good writers are always going to be needed to add context and clarity. At least until the day…

Is Google getting spammier?

Is Google getting spammier?

You’d like to think that, as a platform grows and evolves, it learns from its mistakes and things get better. But that’s not always the case. For many users, while Google has reportedly taken great steps to cut down on spam, things are only getting spammier.

July 2022 – SEO and marketing news

July 2022 – SEO and marketing news

This month, as summer truly kicks into overdrive (quite literally in the case of the weather), we get the lowdown on “unmentioning”, automated responses, question the morals of TikTok and plenty more besides.

Can SEO stop your site from killing the planet?

Can SEO stop your site from killing the planet?

OK, we appreciate that’s a pretty bold headline and we seldom think of SEO in the same breath as sustainability but there is actually a lot you could be doing with your SEO to help cultivate a greener internet.

Does your domain name impact your SEO?

Does your domain name impact your SEO?

What’s in a name? Well, quite a lot actually. Indeed, choosing the right domain name has been one of the most important decisions facing businesses for decades now. But while it’s not quite as important now as in the days when you needed something snappy and memorable (as people will just Google it these days)…

Words matter – Brand tone of voice and why it matters

Words matter – Brand tone of voice and why it matters

If you’ve been part of the online marketing world for even a little while you’ll probably be aware of the phrase “tone of voice” or TOV. For copywriters, content creators, social media gurus and everybody else involved in building your brand, the TOV is a sacred and decidedly difficult thing to master. It is also…

What is account-based marketing and does it work?

What is account-based marketing and does it work?

Account-based marketing is a marketing term that often gets bandied around without a proper explanation and as a result, it is sometimes misunderstood by marketers and business owners alike. Part of the problem is that it still means different things to different people.

Is your traffic legitimate or spam?

Is your traffic legitimate or spam?

In online marketing circles, one of the greatest joys in our careers is watching traffic numbers gradually tick up. However, sometimes if something seems too good to be true then it probably is. If you’ve noticed a major spike in numbers in recent days and can’t pinpoint why exactly, you might simply be getting a…