4 common mistakes made by entrepreneurs

4 common mistakes made by entrepreneurs

Perhaps due to the mass adoption of social media, successful entrepreneurs are now internationally revered. In 2016, the average person can get real insights into the lifestyles of superstar business owners such as Elon Musk and feel that such things may, one day, be attainable for themselves. We live in an age of individualism where…

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Does social media really influence SEO?

Does social media really influence SEO?

Google’s core ranking algorithms are a closely guarded secret, and for good reason – if everyone knew exactly how to propel their sites up the rankings, people would be focusing more on gamesmanship rather than producing high quality content which warrants high visibility and large amounts of traffic.

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6 essential editing tips

6 essential editing tips

After creating a well crafted, value-rich blog post, you’ll be keen to publish it as soon as possible. However, to ensure that you maintain a readership for the long-term, polishing each blog post to make it as good as possible is essential before publishing.

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How to build powerful business relationships online

How to build powerful business relationships online

Some may envision entrepreneurs as lone warriors, standing against the elements and doing anything within their power to ensure their businesses are successful. While there is some truth to this romanticised ideal, working as a lone entrepreneur (or ‘solopreneur’) with no alliances can definitely make your mission more difficult. Instead, it’s a far better idea…

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Importance of employee training for a corporation

Importance of employee training for a corporation

Investing money and time into employee training isn’t just beneficial for a company, it is equally as beneficial for the individuals involved as they get equipped with cutting edge skills that ultimately help a company to grow. Companies that are successful often send their employees on training courses in order to remain ahead of their…

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